viernes, 29 de junio de 2012


This silver plated traditional jewellery consists of a pair of earrings, a pendant and a larger brooch used to fasten the traditional shawl.

AMAS DE CASA "LO PORTAL" Sorteo de pendientes, broche y colgante de plata vieja. El sorteo se hara en los dias de las fiestas.

A 1 euro coin is shown in the photo so that you can judge the actual size of the jewellery.

El euro en la imagen es para ver el tamaño de las joyas.

To visit the web pages of Raquel Redondo, click HERE

Para visitar las paginas web de Raquel Redondo, click AQUI

Comprar los numeros a los miembros de la junta.

If you would like a chance to win this traditional jewellery in the raffle which will be held during the village fiesta in the 3rd week of August 2012, contact us at the email address shown in the contact section below and we will get back to you to let you know how to buy the tickets for the raffle. Tickets, 1 euro, can also be bought directly from members of the committee.

sábado, 9 de junio de 2012


Borrajas con bacalao y huevo escalfado / Borage in a Cod sauce with a poached egg

1 manojo de borraja
100g de bacalao desmigado
5 dientes de ajo
2 cucharadas de harina
1 manojo de perejil
Caldo de pescado
4 huevos

1 bunch of borage (or 1 head of celery an alternative to borage)
100g of finely shredded cod
5 cloves of garlic
2 tablespoons of flour
1 sprig of parsley
Fish stock or 1-2 fish stock cubes
4 eggs

Elaboración / Method:

Limpiamos y cocemos la borraja.

Clean and cook the borage (or chopped up pieces of celery.)

En un cacerola freimos al bacalao junto con los ajos y el perejil. Una vez este incorporamos la harina y la refreímos, lo mojamos con el caldo de pescado y dejamos cocer.

In a large pan, gently fry the cod with the chopped up parsley and the garlic. Then add the flour and mix carefully. Add the fish stock gradually and leave to cook on simmer.

A la hora de servir la borraja la introducimos en la salsa para que coja sabor.

Just before serving, add the borage (celery) to the cod sauce to enable it to absorb the flavours.

Ponemos al fuego una cacerola con agua y unas gotas de vinagre.

Cuando este hirviendo le incorporamos los huevos envueltos en papel film. Y dejar cocer 4 minutes.

Place a piece of cling film over a cup and crack an egg into it.

Carefully lift the cling film out of the cup and tie a knot with the ends.

Place the eggs in the cling film parcels into boiling salted water with a drop of vinegar. Allow to cook for 4 minutes.

Carefully remove the cling film from the eggs and serve onto the borage (celery) and cod mixture. Cut the egg into quarters. Serve with fresh crusty bread - absolutely delicious!

Filetes de trucha con apio y alcaparras / Trout fillets with a celery, tomato and onion topping. Decorated with Capers.

2 truchas de ración
3 tomates
4 tallos de apio
1 cebolla
Aceite de oliva
Vino blanco
Orégano, sal y pimienta

2 trout fillets per person
3 tomatoes
3 stalks of celery
1 onion
Olive oil
White wine
jar of capers
Origano, salt and pepper

Elaboración / Method:

Limpiar las truchas y freírlas previamente pasadas por harina.

Wash and clean the trout, removing the heads. Coat the trout fillets in seasoned flour.

Fry the trout fillets lightly on both sides.

Saltear en el mismo aceite de freír las truchas el apio, el tomate y la cebolla, cuando este añadir las truchas y condimentar con el orégano, sal y pimienta.

In the same pan, fry the celery, onion and then the chopped tomato. Add seasoning.

Regar con el vino blanco, dejar evaporar el alcohol y añadir las alcaparras.

Sprinkle in the white wine and after it has come to the boil and after the alcohol has evaporated add some of the capers.

Place the trout fillets with the vegetable topping in the oven 180°C for 10 minutes. Add the remainder of the capers for decoration, before serving.

Serve with fresh crusty bread - an absolutely delicious combination of flavours!

Crema de chocolate, ciruelas y mascapone / Chocolate Mousse and fresh plums, with grated chocolate on top

200g de chocolate
200ml de nata para montar
200g de queso mascapone
3 ciruelas
2 cucharadas de bailys

200g of dark chocolate
200ml of double cream
200g of mascapone
3 plums
2 tablespoons of Baileys liqueur

Elaboración / Method:

Fundir parte del chocolate.

Melt the chocolate either in a bain mari or in the microwave oven.

Monter la nata, y mezclar el chocolate con el mascapone y el licor de bailys.

Beat the cream, add the melted chocolate with the mascapone and the Baileys.

Cortar las ciruelas en gajos y disponer en un bol...

Cut the plums into small pieces and place in the bottom of a serving dish or glass...

Rellenar con la crema ya preparada.

Fill the rest of the container with the prepared chocolate mousse.

Podemos decorar con chocolate rallado por encima.

Add grated chocolate to the top for decoration - truly death by chocolate! - a sumptuous desert with refreshing fruit pieces!