Voulabant relleno de bacalao revuelto / Vol au vent cases filled with scrambled egg and cod.
1 patata grande / 1 large potato2 huevos / 2 eggs
100g de bacalao en salazón / 100g of salted cod
ajo / garlicperejil / parsley
Freímos las patatas...
Fry the potato pieces in a little olive oil...
...una vez estén incorporamos el bacalao (previamente desalado) y lo sofreímos. Doramos los ajos y cuajamos los huevos. Sazonamos con sal y pimienta y finalmente incorporamos el perejil.
...add the cod after soaking in water to remove the salt and then removing the skin. Finely chop the garlic and carefully add the 2 fresh eggs. Stir the mixture adding salt and black pepper. Finally incorporate the parsley.
Una vez este el relleno lo disponemos en el voulabant y lo guarnecemos con un caramelo aromatizado.
Place the filling into the vol au vent cases and garnish with a caramel glaze.
Tostada de solomillo con queso brie / Toast with pork loin and brie
4 medallones de solomillo / 4 medallions of pork loin
4 tostadas / 4 pieces of toasted biscuit
4 lonchas de queso brie / 4 slices of brie cheese
albahaca / a few basil leaves
aceite de oliva / olive oil
sal y pimienta al gusto / salt and pepper to taste
4 medallones de solomillo / 4 medallions of pork loin
4 tostadas / 4 pieces of toasted biscuit
4 lonchas de queso brie / 4 slices of brie cheese
albahaca / a few basil leaves
aceite de oliva / olive oil
sal y pimienta al gusto / salt and pepper to taste
En un bol maceramos el aceite de oliva con la albahaca y lo reservamos.
Combine the olive oil and the chopped basil leaves.
Marcamos el solomillo en la plancha y salpimentamos.
Cook the pork loin under the grill on both sides. (Or fry.)
Assemble the grilled pork on the toasted bread and then drizzle a little of the olive oil flavoured with basil, before adding the brie and placing in the oven until the cheese has melted and is golden.
Champiñones rellenos de jamon / Stuffed mushrooms with ham
8 chamiñones / 8 large mushrooms
2 chalotas / 2 shallot onions
5 lonchas de jamón serrano / 5 slices of serrano ham
1 dl de vino blanco / a cup of white wine
perejil / parsley
aceite de oliva / olive oil
sal y pimienta / salt and pepper
Clean the mushrooms and separate the stalks from the caps. Gently fry the chopped shallots in a little olive oil.
Add the ham to the shallots and heat gently and then add the chopped stalks of the mushrooms. Add chopped parsley to taste.
Fill the mushroom caps with the pepared stuffing. Place in a heatproof dish and then add a little olive oil and a cup of white wine. Sprinkle with pepper. Heat for 10 minutes.
Baked potatoes stuffed with shallots and ham
2 chalotas / 2 spring onions
4 patatas mediana / medium sized potatoes
5 lonchas de jamón serrano / 5 slices of serrano ham
perejil / parsley
aceite de oliva / olive oil
sal y pimienta / salt and pepper
Se sofrien las chalotas con el jamón serrano.
Chop the spring onions and fry gently. Add the chopped serano ham.
Bake the potatoes for 45 minutes in advance then scoop out the middles and add to the spring onion mixture.
Place the stuffing in the baked potatoes and garnish with a spring onion. Serve hot or cold.
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